Collaborative Kaizens

Collaborative Kaizens

Kormac Insights

May 24, 2024

Collaborative Kaizens
Engaging and Aligning through Kaizen

As Kaizen nears its 40th birthday, its relevance is far from “over the hill.” Kormac Kaizens bring people together to optimize speed, footprint, resource requirements, inventory, and more. Our Kaizens:
• Start with cross-functional, iterative process mapping led by small teams of industry experts
• Achieve shared understanding through active listening and facilitation
• Engage front-line team members for buy-in, knowledge transfer, and sustainability
• Combine Voice of the Customer, Voices of Employees, and Voice of the Process to identify weak/leverageable process points with high probability of improving performance
• Set targeted work priorities for execution
• Support the vulnerability inherent to new ideas and change

Our engaging Kaizens are designed to cultivate true employee ownership of issue identification, solutions, and new processes.